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Are there any quadrax10eff extra levels available for download? Catholic 1870
Vloženo: 29.09.2024 19:10:16
Or actually I was, perhaps, only tempted to accept that offer. "I want/wont sail away on a voyage of no return to see if eternal life IS meant to be." Is this a third secret rocketchatter or what? Catholic 1870
Vloženo: 29.09.2024 19:08:25
I was sorely tempted to accept that offer. Catholic 1870
Vloženo: 29.09.2024 19:01:49
Chtěl bych se zeptat ohledně QXEFF, když chci do levelu přidat žebřík a ve finále level spustím jako v normální hře, tak ten žebřík není vidět. Mohl by mi někdo poradit co s tím? Badam
Vloženo: 04.06.2021 18:14:32
Viz uživatelská příručka EFF, strana 57, kapitola 5.3.5. Žebříky a provazy.
These minor changes in file size (Quadrax_Neverending_Episode_7_Setup.exe (34 152 748 B) to (34151.936 bytes (2019-02-24)) have any significance? Etc. (Quadrax_Neverending_Setup.exe (243 831 523 B) to (243,816. 922 bytes (v1.006) (2018-10-17)) What do these changes refer to? Marcio
Vloženo: 22.04.2019 08:22:29
Hi, this is minority bug fixes in new files.
Newest file is always better (fixed some graphics bugs etc), but functionality is the same as older one.
Vloženo: 24.04.2019 17:16:27
Episode 7 QN is part of the "most difficult game in the world?" I liked it but I believe it should have been released as an extra bonus and not as official episode 7. Quadrax is a logic game, but I have already passed several levels with 0% difficulty, just to be funny, so quadrax also has illogical and easy things. I love this game when it's hard. anonymous
Vloženo: 25.02.2019 20:45:45
You must be young. All levels in E7 is taken from original Quadrax (1994), including graphic, animations, music, etc. This episode is honor for original Q1 and pleasure for this players, who formerly play original Quadrax, a quarter century ago.
Vloženo: 25.02.2019 23:40:21
I know and I already solved the Quadrax 1 ZX spectrum and the Quadrax 1 windows and they are very easy and I prefer Quadrax very difficult, sorry the criticism I just did not like the easy levels. anonymous
Vloženo: 26.02.2019 09:31:20
Are you "Marco" in the records in QX and QN who I was writing with? Write me. I posted another comments below to our conversation.
If you would like to test my levels please answer and read below. Getula
Vloženo: 28.01.2019 07:59:38
I am not "Marco", but I would like to test your levels, I have already solved Quadrax 1 zx (50 levels), Q1DOS (99 levels), Q3-2005 (70 levels), Q4 (90 levels), Q5 , Q6 (25 levels), Q7 (80 levels), Q8 (95 levels), Q10 (43 levels), Q10demo (6 levels), QNV (19 levels) I want to solve 100% with 0% help. Marcio
Vloženo: 29.01.2019 07:02:07
Well done! You are far better than me then. Apart from Q6, yet. I only play (or not) QIV, which I am about to finish and a bit QX end of second episode there. As far as the difficulty of my levels is concerned, they are not rubbish but they are not genuinely hardcore (QVII/QVII difficulty) except when they are - one or two (one will be authors level upgraded by me).
So, you can test them but it will take me a lot of time to finish them, just realised none of them is totally finished since I eventually decided to upgrade my very first and very good level in the beginning of its solution.
Vloženo: 04.02.2019 08:14:51
And I do like your attitude 0% help. Good luck! Getula
Vloženo: 04.02.2019 08:16:13
And patience for you to wait till I finish those levels.... Getula
Vloženo: 04.02.2019 08:18:06
Thanks, I have a lot of patience and a lot of time to wait, I'm not better than you, I just have the time and persistence, I've already been stuck on a level for weeks. 0% help always, if I crash, I'll die trying. Marcio
Vloženo: 06.02.2019 11:11:20
You see you managed to solve QVII and QVIII and are further in QX so you are better i think. With getting stuck in the levels I was once many years ago stuck on QV level 10 (under the temple( for 2 years. I basically gave up but then i returned and solved it... I wasnt very good at that time though. Getula
Vloženo: 08.02.2019 07:43:30
Funny you talk about Q5-10 I remember I solved without the computer, before I slept I saw the answer in the head, I got up and finished that level. I always thought it would reach an impossible quadrax level for me, I still want to find it.
Congratulations on your persistence. where are you from? How old is? Marcio
Vloženo: 09.02.2019 08:39:41
This editor is magical, incredible and brilliant, has anyone created levels with it yet? I can not understand. Marcio
Vloženo: 23.01.2019 18:28:33
There are no levels published yet on this website that one project published is just some thanks to the author and obtains no normal quadrax levels. I have created one brilliant level and have other two levels i am (now not) working on. In fact three. When I finish sometimes whole ten levels I will publish them (as an episode). But I am not planning any story line to it.
I know that there is at least one guy who is doing roughly the same as me. It is bloody difficult to create something that even remote Getula
Vloženo: 25.01.2019 07:29:29
ly resembles authors levels as far as complexicity is concerned. Players are usually not willing to spend so much time on it to create proper levels. I personally do not bother with grafics as author but I have one level finished and I am happy with it. So just wait or create some proper levels yourself. Getula
Vloženo: 25.01.2019 08:16:44
So one is finished, two need testing and removing unwanted solutions (but I have the main idea in them already) and the third level requires a lot of work. Getula
Vloženo: 25.01.2019 08:28:07
Editor is brilliant, only quite a shame you cant rotate those blocks bitmaps that paint walls... Because that would basically quadruple the amount of all bitmaps (blocks and rocks that are walls). That would be especially handy when you make big levels and you do not want to use same "block bitmap". Then you have to open external editor and copy parts of the rocks across each other to create new unique ones. That would be a brilliant feature to add. Getula
Vloženo: 25.01.2019 08:24:29
I intend to create some complex and logical levels, I would very much like to test your level. This editor has a lot of potential, I'm going to test it better. Marcio
Vloženo: 26.01.2019 07:23:57
Maybe i will post it to you but probably not sooner than i finish other two. Then you could test then. That would be appreciated. But how good are you in quadrax. Have you solved QIV or any episodes from other Q editions like QX? Getula
Vloženo: 26.01.2019 13:41:18
But there still is a bit of a problem because I havent played Q for a long time. Nor have I been getting on with the development of the levels. But hopefully I will find some time to look into it. Getula
Vloženo: 26.01.2019 14:52:46
I can not write in the neverending quadrax forum.
POST požadavky ze zahraničí jsou blokovány.
Correct the error, the download page is showing a different value.
Quadrax_Neverending_Setup.exe (243 816 922 B)
(Velikost instalačního souboru je 243 817 174 B.)
And when I download it comes: (243.816.922 bytes)
Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your attention. Ana paula
Vloženo: 06.12.2018 00:19:19
Yep, you're right, on Quadrax Neverending download page was wrong file size. My mistake... Now it's fixed to the right filesize (243 816 922 B)